Aug. 1961
Jerry Reynolds and Dewayne Davenport families go to Ghana.School established on seven acres of land acquired for future building.
Aug. 1963
Reynolds family returns to U.S.
Sept. 1963 
Harold Deer and family go to Ghana
June 1964
Davenport family returns to U.S.
May 1965
Deer family returns to U.S. (Elders request this due to unstable political conditions in Ghana).
June 1965 
Elder R.N. Floyd and wife with Jerry Reynolds go on a ten day survey of Ghana.Dewayne Davenport also goes to Ghana for several weeks.
Nov 1965
Davenports go to Ghana for a second tour.
July 1965 
Mission fund, churches and individuals help support the native preachers: brethren Danquah, Amponsah, Kwateng, Samuel Obeng, Young, Asante, Darko and Larbi.
Mar. 1966
Revolution in Ghana ñ Nkrumah deposed.
Feb. 1967
Jerry Reynolds and Charles Scott on preaching mission in Ghana for two months. 62 baptized.
Aug. 1967
Davenports return to U.S.
Dec. 1967
Gerald and Fay Fruzia go to Ghana after making tour in U.S. on behalf of the work.
Feb. 1968
Seven men make two month mission journey to Ghana:Charles Scott, Jerry Reynolds, Lee Rogers, J.D. Parker, Charles Brown, Glen and Larry Nichols. 134 baptized.
Aug. 1968 
George R. Boresman and family go to Ghana.
Nov. 1968
Leo Miller goes to Ghana to oversee the building of the dormitory.